
Archive for the ‘i love india’ Category

 Before I left England, a colleague at the bank queried me about my decision. “You could have gone anywhere, right? So why not Dubai, or the Maldives?”

 My answer was: “because I love India”.

 This morning in my rickshaw, I struggled to remember this. Holding on for dear life (and in great need of a sports bra), all I could smell was petrol, and all I could hear were horns. Dust was in my eyes, I was sweating in just a shirt and my curls had taken on a distinct Planet of the Apes look.

 Arriving more than slightly dishevelled, I was still welcomed warmly. Within minutes of meeting me, one colleague gave me his number and made me promise to call him if I needed anything. Since then, a friend of a friend has helped me to get a mobile connection, and has even bore the (great) pain of shopping for work shoes with me.

 I remembered: this is why I love India.

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